How-To Stop Using Filler Words in Four Easy Steps: Say Goodbye to “Ah”, “Um”, and “Like”

One of the most sought after questions my clients bring to me is how to drop the habit of inserting “filler words” into all that they do and say. Like any bad habit, this is one you can break with the right tools by your side.

Filler words (“ah”, “um”, “like”) are usually used as placeholders or simply out of habit when we’re trying to figure out what to say next and keep our nerves at bay. These words distract when overused and are rest stops when speaking.

There’s another technique when it comes to speaking that allows for the same moment to think.

Enter the pause!

Here’s how to ditch the filler words and master the pause:

 1) Practice talking out loud. When you hear yourself speaking aloud, you’ll catch the moments where you lean on fillers.

2) Every time you go to say “um” or “like” stop yourself. I want you to pause and count out loud and slowly,

“1-2-3”, then continue with the sentence, omitting the filler word. This will help you recognize your habits.

3) Record your voice first speaking regularly, then again with the conscious use of pauses instead of filler words.

4) Keep practicing this until you become conditioned to using pauses to replace the filler word.

Pauses create space and added interest to the spoken word. You will feel a difference when you’re speaking. My clients always share with me that they feel calmer and more confident when consciously using pauses.

Pauses give the speaker time to think, a chance to organize their thoughts and then decide what they are going to say next.

Pauses give the listener a chance to digest what they have just heard. This allows for a greater connection between the speaker and the listener.

Mastering effective communication skills are necessary in order to be heard and viewed as a leader.